Age and time - quest started long ago before our “time”Is TIME really and illusion, is AGE just our self-image mirror that can be flipped, broken, erased and reversed by will? Do you feel the adrenaline rushing inside you just thinking of it? Do you wanna jump on driver seat for the first time in your life? And if I keep going I may promise you immortality, so lets stop here for now!Time has been a mystery for many years, still make you curious, keeps you digging - how it all started, who created it, why, is it same for everyone?Have YOU been curious about it at least once, I am sure you have! And not because you are lazy, need a shortcut, but because you just feel it - there is something missing, hidden, forgotten .... till now!Egyptians, Mayan, Tibetan Monks, Hitler, Einstein, DaVinci, they all have been either aware of bending, shifting time to different realities or just made it a daily routine. Why not us, you and I, going on reverse to the first breath, speeding up to your tomorrow? Reversing age?Seems so unreal at times, yet familiar and quite natural
Is your future already decided? New theory of time suggests that the past, present AND future co-exist in the universeA Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy has presented a new theory of time1.Dr Bradford Skow says the idea that time flows like a river is not is a 'block universe' where the past, present and future all exist together3.If we were to look down upon the universe, we would see time spread out4.present is not a 'spotlight' in time - but rather we are in a 'temporally scattered' condition
TheLieWeLiveRight now, at this moment you can be anywhere, doinganything. Instead, you are sitting alone, in front of a screen. Sowhat is stopping us from doing what we want, being where we wantto be?Every day we wake up in the same room, following the sameroutine as yesterday and the day before etc. Once, each day was anew adventure. Along the way something changed, so what happened?Before, our days were timeless, now our days are scheduled. Isthis really what it means to be grown up, to be free, are we free?Food, water, land, and even air, the very elements we need tosurvive are owned by corporations.We discovered the world through a textbook, raised to live,work, eat and die. Smart enough to do what needs to be done, butnever enough to question why we do the things we do. So we workand work with little time left to enjoy the life we worked for.I urge you to listen to this (another) video the whole waythrough. If everyone in the world could hear this message and thenact upon their feelings the world would change overnight ...
Age and time - quest started long ago before our “time”Is TIME really and illusion, is AGE just our self-image mirror that can be flipped, broken, erased and reversed by will? Do you feel the adrenaline rushing inside you just thinking of it? Do you wanna jump on driver seat for the first time in your life? And if I keep going I may promise you immortality, so lets stop here for now!Time has been a mystery for many years, still make you curious, keeps you digging - how it all started, who created it, why, is it same for everyone?Have YOU been curious about it at least once, I am sure you have! And not because you are lazy, need a shortcut, but because you just feel it - there is something missing, hidden, forgotten .... till now!Egyptians, Mayan, Tibetan Monks, Hitler, Einstein, DaVinci, they all have been either aware of bending, shifting time to different realities or just made it a daily routine. Why not us, you and I, going on reverse to the first breath, speeding up to your tomorrow? Reversing age?Seems so unreal at times, yet familiar and quite natural
Is your future already decided? New theory of time suggests that the past, present AND future co-exist in the universeA Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy has presented a new theory of time1.Dr Bradford Skow says the idea that time flows like a river is not correct
TheLieWeLiveRight now, at this moment you can be anywhere, doinganything. Instead, you are sitting alone, in front of a screen. Sowhat is stopping us from doing what we want, being where we wantto be?Every day we wake up in the same room, following the sameroutine as yesterday and the day before etc. Once, each day was anew adventure. Along the way something changed, so what happened?Before, our days were timeless, now our days are scheduled. Isthis really what it means to be grown up, to be free, are we free?Food, water, land, and even air, the very elements we need tosurvive are owned by corporations.We discovered the world through a textbook, raised to live,work, eat and die. Smart enough to do what needs to be done, butnever enough to question why we do the things we do. So we workand work with little time left to enjoy the life we worked for.I urge you to listen to this (another) video the whole waythrough. If everyone in the world could hear this message and thenact upon their feelings the world would change overnight ...